carbon accounting standards and frameworks

11 February 2024

Essential Carbon Accounting Standards and Frameworks

Organizations need guidelines to measure, report, and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions when implementing carbon accounting

Explore some of the key standards and frameworks essential for ensuring the global integrity and transparency of carbon accounting. We will delve into the main standards and frameworks that are crucial for developing effective carbon accounting practices.

The Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP)

Internationally recognized and adopted across multiple sectors, the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP) is crucial in defining carbon accounting practices worldwide. It lays the groundwork for the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and various Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) frameworks, creating a universal emissions reporting language. 

The categorization of emissions into Scope 1, Scope 2 , and Scope 3 offers organizations a complete framework to assess their carbon footprint. Moreover, the GHG Protocol continually adapts, introducing standards specific to different scenarios and sectors. Ensuring its relevance and utility in addressing contemporary environmental challenges.

This adaptability is essential as the future of carbon accounting evolves, facing new challenges and opportunities for sustainability. 

Beyond its foundational standards, the GHGP also provides tools and application guides that facilitate corporate-level greenhouse gas inventories. This way businesses can set targets and track their performance over time, overcoming challenges in carbon accounting and advancing their sustainability metrics.

ISO 14064 Standards

ISO 14064 provides tools for organizations to quantify and report their GHG emissions and removals. This standard  is divided into three parts, each offering a unique technical method. 

Part 1 offers guidance on calculating an organization’s greenhouse gas inventory through a detailed data collection method. Secondly, part 2 focuses on measuring and reporting emissions from specific project activities. Lastly, Part 3 sets up a procedure to check the accuracy of an organization’s reported emissions.

Each part of ISO 14064 supports companies in different aspects of greenhouse gas accounting. From comprehensive inventories, project-specific reporting, to third-party verification processes all contribute to enhancing the accuracy of environmental reporting.

The Task Force For Climate-Related Disclosures (TCFD)

The TCFD provides recommendations for more effective climate-related disclosures through existing reporting frameworks. It seeks to help stakeholders better understand the large amount of carbon-related assets in the financial sector, as well as the financial system’s exposure to climate hazards. Back in 2017, the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) launched a set of guidelines to help companies disclose climate-related information more clearly and reliably. This helps investors and other stakeholders make informed decisions about where to put their money.

The TCFD’s focus on financial disclosures highlights the economic consequences of climate change. This encourages corporations to include climate-related risks and opportunities into their strategic planning and reporting processes.

Unlike other frameworks, the TCFD goes beyond reporting risks. It encourages companies to dig deeper and build stronger risk management systems by evaluating their operations through both sustainability and risk point of view. This self-assessment can shape their entire sustainability approach, and even their net-zero goals, by helping them understand the root causes of climate change and not just the impacts.

Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF)

Initiated by Dutch banks in 2015 and adopted globally in 2019, PCAF provides a standardized method for measuring and disclosing the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions linked to investments and loans. This aligns with the GHG Protocol’s Scope 3 and supports the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C warming limit.

But PCAF goes beyond just numbers. It offers a detailed roadmap, the global GHG Accounting and Reporting Standard, guiding institutions in measuring emissions across six key asset classes. This transparency empowers them to assess portfolios, analyze scenarios, set targets, inform actions, and disclose progress. In order to understand their impact, plan for improvement, and communicate their efforts.

More than just accounting for generated emissions, PCAF encourages considering avoided emissions (e.g., through renewable energy) and removed emissions (e.g., through carbon removal projects). This holistic approach provides a clear picture of their climate effect while also opening the road for a more sustainable financial future.

Conclusion: Advancing Towards Sustainable Practices with Global Standards and Frameworks

In exploring the complex terrain of carbon accounting standards and frameworks. It’s clear these guidelines are essential for businesses aiming to meticulously track, report, and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Through the adoption of foundational protocols like the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, alongside the strategic insights provided by the TCFD and the detailed methodologies of PCAF. Organizations are equipped not just for compliance, but for leading the charge in sustainability. These frameworks serve as pillars that support transparent and accountable practices, enabling companies to make substantial strides towards environmental stewardship.

Take a significant step forward in your sustainability efforts. Explore how integrating comprehensive life cycle assessments into your carbon management strategy can help meet and exceed global standards, with Pilario. Start your journey towards a more sustainable future today.